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Are you addicted to gaming? Take our test!

Are you addicted to gaming Take our test

If you, a member of your family, or someone you know, spends too much time playing video or computer games or going online, they may need a little extra help and support. How can you know when you’re having when too much of a good thing when it comes to games?

Take our test and find out whether you need some help.

Our game addiction test

Instructions: Score yourself out of 5 for the following statements where 0 is ‘Not True’ and 5 is ‘Totally True’.

  1. You play games every day without fail.
  2. You look forward to playing your games when you get home from work or school.
  3. You feel very happy when you’re playing -sometimes euphoric.
  4. When you stop playing you feel annoyed, angry or upset.
  5. If you aren’t playing you have feelings of restlessness and irritability.
  6. You prefer playing games to any other pastime such as watching films, reading or sports.
  7. You say you’re just ‘checking your email’ and then spend hours online playing your games.
  8. You completely lose track of time.
  9. You prefer playing games than meeting friends socially.
  10. You have many friends online that you’ve never met.
  11. You lie about how you spend your free time.
  12. Other areas of your life are suffering – perhaps work, or you don’t cook, or clean.
  13. You use gaming to avoid confronting how you are feeling about other areas of your life, such as stress at work, grief after a bereavement or a relationship breakdown, or concerns about finances or your health.
  14. You get up in the night to check on how things are going in your games.
  15. You spend a lot of money on games, or progressing in games, upgrading your hardware and software packages, and accessories.
  16. You feel guilty.
  17. You have physical symptoms. This can include difficulty sleeping, headaches and migraines, back and neck ache, dry eyes, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  18. You stay up so late at night playing games that your work or education suffer.
  19. You suffer with fatigue.
  20. You sometimes spend all day in your sleepwear and forget to shower or eat.


If you scored less than 40, you are interested in playing games but they don’t dominate your life. If you scored 40-60, you may want to think about easing back on your game playing. For anything above 61, you need to take a long hard look at your gaming habits and think about getting some support. If you dismiss this as nonsense, you may need help now.

Remember that there are negative consequences for any addiction, it is never healthy to skip meals or reduce the amount of sleep you’re getting and social isolation can lead to a host of emotional issues. No-one would suggest never playing video games, or games online, but ‘everything in moderation’ should be the key.

Created by Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Are you addicted to gaming? Take our test!

Are you addicted to gaming? Take our test!
Are you addicted to gaming Take our test

If you, a member of your family, or someone you know, spends too much time playing video or computer games or going online, they may need a little extra help and support. How can you know when you’re having when too much of a good thing when it comes to games?

Take our test and find out whether you need some help.

Our game addiction test

Instructions: Score yourself out of 5 for the following statements where 0 is ‘Not True’ and 5 is ‘Totally True’.

  1. You play games every day without fail.
  2. You look forward to playing your games when you get home from work or school.
  3. You feel very happy when you’re playing -sometimes euphoric.
  4. When you stop playing you feel annoyed, angry or upset.
  5. If you aren’t playing you have feelings of restlessness and irritability.
  6. You prefer playing games to any other pastime such as watching films, reading or sports.
  7. You say you’re just ‘checking your email’ and then spend hours online playing your games.
  8. You completely lose track of time.
  9. You prefer playing games than meeting friends socially.
  10. You have many friends online that you’ve never met.
  11. You lie about how you spend your free time.
  12. Other areas of your life are suffering – perhaps work, or you don’t cook, or clean.
  13. You use gaming to avoid confronting how you are feeling about other areas of your life, such as stress at work, grief after a bereavement or a relationship breakdown, or concerns about finances or your health.
  14. You get up in the night to check on how things are going in your games.
  15. You spend a lot of money on games, or progressing in games, upgrading your hardware and software packages, and accessories.
  16. You feel guilty.
  17. You have physical symptoms. This can include difficulty sleeping, headaches and migraines, back and neck ache, dry eyes, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  18. You stay up so late at night playing games that your work or education suffer.
  19. You suffer with fatigue.
  20. You sometimes spend all day in your sleepwear and forget to shower or eat.


If you scored less than 40, you are interested in playing games but they don’t dominate your life. If you scored 40-60, you may want to think about easing back on your game playing. For anything above 61, you need to take a long hard look at your gaming habits and think about getting some support. If you dismiss this as nonsense, you may need help now.

Remember that there are negative consequences for any addiction, it is never healthy to skip meals or reduce the amount of sleep you’re getting and social isolation can lead to a host of emotional issues. No-one would suggest never playing video games, or games online, but ‘everything in moderation’ should be the key.

Bach flowers mix 201: Gaming addiction

Bach flowers mix 201 helps you:

  • Not to be irritable when it’s not possible to game
  • Not to keep thinking about gaming all the time
  • Put your games into perspective
  • Leave behind aggression and dejection
  • Be more sociable
  • Not to keep living in a dream world
Discover how Bach flowers mix 201 can help you
Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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tom vermeersch
Tom Vermeersch

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