9 most important keys to an everlasting relationship

9 most important keys to an everlasting relationship
9 most important keys to an everlasting relationship

The concept of an everlasting relationship may sound like a fairytale in this day and age. But finding a soulmate who becomes your partner for life isn't wholly extinct yet!

Relationships can quickly fade if we don't take care of them and nurture them. So what can you do to ensure that your relationship endures?

1. Communicate

Good communication is vital in any relationship if it's going to last. You need to be able to discuss situations and listen carefully to one another. Concentrate on what your partner is saying and understand their point of view. Try repeating what they've just said to them this tells your partner that you're really listening to them and get what they're telling you, even if you don't necessarily agree.

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2. Support your partner's dreams

Suppose you want to move to a different part of the country or change to a new career? If your partner doesn't support you in what you want to do, it's guaranteed to cause conflict between you. If your partner is making a significant decision, it's OK to let them know if you have any reservations about it. But let them know you'll love and support them - and mean it - whatever they decide.

3. Give one another space

In the early days of a relationship, spending as much time as possible with your new partner is fantastic and it's hard to be apart. But as time passes, you might find that little things start to get on your nerves.

Make time for doing things separately: visit your family or hang out with friends and give your partner space to do the same. Being away from your significant other for a while isn't a catastrophe: you'll see them again in the evening, or the next day, or even the following week. As the saying goes: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" and being apart can strengthen your relationship.

4. But enjoy activities together

While being apart can help you to appreciate your partner more, finding things to do together is also an essential aspect of a long term relationship. In the early days of a relationship, people tend to pay a lot of attention to each other's interests. But this doesn't always continue, and couples sometimes develop completely separate interests.

Try to find something you can enjoy as a couple. It could be a hobby or sport, or something simple like watching a movie or cooking a meal. The more interests you have in common, the fewer compromises about how to spend your time you'll have to make.

5. Keep the romance alive

Sex is an essential factor for most relationships, so don't take it for granted. The sparks start to fade as time passes, sex often happens less frequently, and it might start to feel like a bit of a chore. Once again, communicating with your partner honestly and openly is the secret to a healthy, long-lasting relationship.

It's surprisingly common for couples to fall into a habit of not having sex. If your love life needs to be rekindled, but you don't feel interested, try pushing yourself a bit and just giving it a go. You might surprise yourself and have a good time.

Sometimes, loss of interest in sex can be related to stress or health issues. Bach Flower Mix 71 addresses problems related to stress, while to support the libido, Bach Flower Mix 41 can help with loss of desire.

6. Respect one another

Everyone deserves to have their boundaries respected, and maintaining some degree of privacy is a vital key to a successful long term relationship. Everyone has a secret, something that they prefer to keep private, and you need to have peace of mind that your partner won't disrespect you by crossing your boundaries.

Respect also means not insulting your partner by name-calling when you argue. You can say hurtful things (that you don't really mean) in the heat of the moment, but once said, personal insults are difficult for your partner to forgive and forget when you make up.

7. Compromise

If you want your relationship to be everlasting, neither you nor your partner can always have it your own way. You must both compromise. For example, if you have a regular date night, one week you get to choose, the next time your partner chooses something they enjoy.

If you don't compromise, your relationship is unequal, with one partner making all the decisions. This never works out well. Adjusting your needs and preferences to include those of your partner helps to balance things out.

8. Honesty and trust

Honesty is the best policy in your relationship as in every other area of life. If you aren't honest with your partner, you can't expect them to trust you and vice versa. If you don't want your significant other to lie to you, don't lie to them, even about small things. If someone has ever lied to you, you'll know how hurtful it can be. We only lie when we are trying to hide something, and you can't found an everlasting relationship on lies.

9. Look after yourself

When you're in a long term relationship, you can sometimes fall into a pattern of putting your partner's needs above your own. But it's crucial that you also take care of yourself. Make sure you get enough exercise, eat healthily and sleep well. If you have insomnia, Bach Flower Mix 87 can help you to get a better night's sleep.

Make time every day to do something you enjoy, whether it's watching your favourite TV show, going for a walk or a relaxing bath.

Final thoughts

The effort needed to make a relationship last forever should not just come from you. There are two of you in the relationship, and you both need to work at communicating openly, compromising and respecting each other. With trust, honestly and perseverance, your relationship will bloom into everlasting love.




Marie Pure

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