"Bach Flower Advice" becomes "Mariepure"

"Bach Flower Advice" becomes "Mariepure"


Why the name change?

A healthy company is a dynamic company. That means there is growth and innovation, and demonstrates that the company is searching for ways to improve itself.

After 25 years in the Bach flower world, we asked ourselves, is now the right time for our own new name? Not only have we grown, but so have you, along with the confidence you have in us. That's why we want to connect ourselves to our own name. That name is Mariepure.

Mariepure distinguishes us and makes us recognizable. Mariepure guarantees the quality that we offer. Our Bach flower compositions are the same ones you are used to: 100% safe, reliable and effective.

Where does the name "Mariepure" come from?

Marie. In addition to Karen and Simon, who both continue to contribute to the development of the Bach Flower story, I also wanted to involve our youngest daughter Marie - who is no longer with us anymore. She can have a prominent place in our brand name.

Pure. We aim for purity. Our products are made with pure, harmless ingredients. We also approach our customers in a human, honest and pure way.

What does the change mean for you?

For you, nothing will change, except the name. We will keep working in the same way and offer you an honest and quality assured product. The personal contact and advice you receive will remain the same.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to send a mail.

Warm regards,


Marie Pure

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